


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import shapiro, norm, gamma, lognorm, expon, chi2, kstest
from statsmodels.stats.diagnostic import acorr_ljungbox
import warnings

# 警告を無視

def create_binary_representation_df(text, target_word):
    テキストの各単語に対して target_word なら 1, それ以外なら 0 を割り振り、DataFrameを作成する
    tokens = tokenize(text)
    binary_representation = [1 if word == target_word else 0 for word in tokens]
    df_tg = pd.DataFrame({
        'Word_Index': range(len(tokens)),
        'Word': tokens,
        'binary': binary_representation
    return df_tg

def perform_stat_tests(df_tg):
    results = {}

    # 正規性検定(シャピロ・ウィルク検定)
    stat, p = shapiro(df_tg['binary'])
    results['Shapiro-Wilk Test'] = (stat, p)
    if p > 0.05:
        print(f"Shapiro-Wilk Test: The distribution seems normal (fail to reject H0), p-value = {p}")
        print(f"Shapiro-Wilk Test: The distribution does NOT seem normal (reject H0), p-value = {p}")

    # ランダム性検定(Runs Test)
    n1 = sum(df_tg['binary'])
    n2 = len(df_tg) - n1
    runs = 1 + sum(df_tg['binary'].values[:-1] != df_tg['binary'].values[1:])
    expected_runs = (2 * n1 * n2) / (n1 + n2) + 1
    var_runs = (2 * n1 * n2 * (2 * n1 * n2 - n1 - n2)) / ((n1 + n2)**2 * (n1 + n2 - 1))
    z = (runs - expected_runs) / np.sqrt(var_runs)
    p = 2 * (1 - norm.cdf(abs(z)))  # 両側検定
    results['Runs Test'] = (z, p)
    if p > 0.05:
        print(f"Runs Test: The sequence appears random (fail to reject H0), p-value = {p}")
        print(f"Runs Test: The sequence does NOT appear random (reject H0), p-value = {p}")

    # Ljung-Box 検定
    lb_value, lb_pvalue = acorr_ljungbox(df_tg['binary'], lags=[10], return_df=True).iloc[0]
    results['Ljung-Box Test'] = (lb_value, lb_pvalue)
    if lb_pvalue > 0.05:
        print(f"Ljung-Box Test: The data does not show significant autocorrelation (fail to reject H0), p-value = {lb_pvalue}")
        print(f"Ljung-Box Test: The data shows significant autocorrelation (reject H0), p-value = {lb_pvalue}")

    # 主要な分布に従うかの検定
    distributions = {
        'Normal': norm,
        'Gamma': gamma,
        'LogNormal': lognorm,
        'Exponential': expon,
        'Chi-Square': chi2

    for dist_name, dist in distributions.items():
            param = dist.fit(df_tg['binary'])
            stat, p = kstest(df_tg['binary'], dist.cdf, args=param)
            results[f'{dist_name} Distribution'] = (stat, p)
            if p > 0.05:
                print(f"{dist_name} Distribution: The data fits the distribution (fail to reject H0), p-value = {p}")
                print(f"{dist_name} Distribution: The data does NOT fit the distribution (reject H0), p-value = {p}")
        except Exception as e:
            results[f'{dist_name} Distribution'] = (None, None)
            print(f"{dist_name} Distribution: Error in fitting, {str(e)}")

    return results

# テキストのバイナリ表現を作成
df_tg = create_binary_representation_df(processed_text, target_word)

# 統計検定の実施
test_results = perform_stat_tests(df_tg)

# 結果の表示
results_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(test_results, orient='index', columns=['Statistic', 'p-value'])


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