集団の進化をPython を用いてシミュレーションしてみる。 第3回。
# 必要なライブラリのインポート
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
import random
# 初期設定
# Parameters
population_size = 1000
generations = 30
survival_rate = 0.5
trait_propagation_probability = 0.5
max_trials = 50 # Number of trials to simulate
# 個体群の初期化(0: 形質を持たない個体, 1: 形質を持つ個体, -1: 死んだ個体)
population = np.zeros(population_size) # 全ての個体は最初形質を持たない
# 形質を持つ個体の初期設定
# ケース1: 1個体のみ形質を持つ
population[0] = 1
# ケース2: ランダムな2個体が形質を持つ
population[random.sample(range(population_size), 2)] = 1
# 2次元空間での個体群の初期配置
# 個体群の位置をランダムに生成(0から1の範囲内)
positions = np.random.rand(population_size, 2)
# 各世代の状態を保存するリストを再初期化
generation_states = [population.copy()]
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def is_adjacent(pos1, pos2):
"""Check if two positions are adjacent."""
dx = abs(pos1[0] - pos2[0])
dy = abs(pos1[1] - pos2[1])
return dx <= 1 and dy <= 1
def simulate_trait_spread_with_trials(population_size, generations, survival_rate, trait_propagation_probability, max_trials):
side_length = int(np.sqrt(population_size))
trial_results = []
for trial in range(1, max_trials + 1):
grid = np.zeros((side_length, side_length))
# 2個体の初期位置を選択
positions = [tuple(np.random.randint(0, side_length, size=2)) for _ in range(2)]
# Check if the two initial individuals are adjacent and set them on the grid
adjacent = is_adjacent(*positions)
for pos in positions:
grid[pos] = 1
generation_states = [grid.copy()]
if adjacent:
for gen in range(1, generations + 1):
new_grid = np.zeros_like(grid)
for x in range(side_length):
for y in range(side_length):
if grid[x, y] == 1 and np.random.rand() < survival_rate:
new_grid[x, y] = 1 # The individual survives
# Propagate the trait to adjacent individuals
for dx in [-1, 0, 1]:
for dy in [-1, 0, 1]:
nx, ny = x + dx, y + dy
if 0 <= nx < side_length and 0 <= ny < side_length and np.random.rand() < trait_propagation_probability:
new_grid[nx, ny] = 1
grid = new_grid
trial_results.append((generation_states, positions))
return trial_results
def visualize_and_save_png(trial_results, side_length, output_dir="simulation_frames"):
if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
plt.close('all') # 既存のすべての図を閉じる
for trial, (generation_states, initial_positions) in enumerate(trial_results, start=1):
for gen, state in enumerate(generation_states):
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 8)) # 新しい図と軸を生成
display_grid = np.full((side_length, side_length, 3), [0.75, 0.75, 0.75])
for pos in initial_positions:
if gen == 0:
display_grid[pos] = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]
for x in range(side_length):
for y in range(side_length):
if state[x, y] == 1 and (x, y) not in initial_positions:
display_grid[x, y] = [1.0, 1.0, 0.0]
ax.imshow(display_grid, interpolation='nearest')
ax.set_title(f"Trial {trial} - Generation {gen}", pad=20)
plt.draw() # 明示的に図を描画
filename = f"trial_{trial}_gen_{gen}.png"
filepath = os.path.join(output_dir, filename)
fig.savefig(filepath) # 図を保存
plt.close(fig) # 使用後の図を閉じる
# Parameters
population_size = 1000
generations = 30
survival_rate = 0.5
trait_propagation_probability = 0.5
max_trials = 150
import imageio
import os
def create_gif_from_pngs(png_directory, output_gif_path, duration=0.5):
# PNGファイル名を取得し、並び替える
png_files = [f for f in os.listdir(png_directory) if f.endswith('.png')]
png_files_sorted = sorted(png_files, key=lambda x: (int(x.split('_')[1]), int(x.split('_')[3].split('.')[0])))
# PNG画像を読み込む
images = [imageio.imread(os.path.join(png_directory, f)) for f in png_files_sorted]
# 読み込んだ画像をGIFとして保存
imageio.mimsave(output_gif_path, images, duration=duration)
# シミュレーションの実行とPNG画像の保存
trial_results = simulate_trait_spread_with_trials(population_size, generations, survival_rate, trait_propagation_probability, max_trials)
visualize_and_save_png(trial_results, int(np.sqrt(population_size)), "simulation_frames")
# GIFアニメーションの作成
create_gif_from_pngs("simulation_frames", "simulation_animation.gif", duration=0.8)